The XYZ BV is a Dutch company that provides serviced offices to its
clients in different countries. After the successful establishment in
Singapore the XYZ BV is now seeking for a business opportunity to enter
the market in Myanmar.
The XYZ BV is approaching us with the query of Myanmar company registration or to start with a market research by sending first a
professional to Myanmar. Further points are the company type that would
suite best for their investment strategy, obstacles for foreign
companies entering the market as well as the rules and regulations on
company, tax and labour law regarding foreign and local employment
contracts by complying with Myanmar labour law.
To find the right business start-up based on the possibilities in
Myanmar we advised XYZ BV on the advantages and disadvantages of the
different company types such as representative office, MIC company or a
Non-MIC company relating to capital requirements, foreign investment
protection and tax issues.
Foreigners like Mr M, the CEO of the XYZ BV, may set up a 100 percent
foreign-owned company either under the Myanmar Foreign Investment Law
or the Myanmar Companies Act. If the XYZ BV will set up a business
according to the Companies Act the minimum share capital requirement is
$50,000 for service companies – and $150,000 for manufacturing
Furthermore, it is required for a foreign company to obtain a permit
from Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA). A DICA
permit is generally renewable every five years. Under the Foreign
Investment Law (FIL) it is at the discretion of the MIC (Myanmar
Investment Commission) to decide on the minimum share capital and also
the decision is based on the desired business activities.
Before a foreign company is set up in Myanmar, it is required to
apply for Permit to Trade from the Ministry of National Planning and
Economic Development before it can apply for registration of the company
with the Registrar of the Companies Registration Office.
However, the Permit to Trade shall not be understood in the common
sense and rather means “Permit to do business”. Although the government
did not announce a provision of such permit, no registration
certificates or DICA permit for a foreign trading company (distributing
and selling products) are issued at present.
Therefore, trading activities are still restricted to Myanmar
citizens. For this reason if trading is an important and main part of
the XYZ BV. they should consider setting up a 100 percent local-owned
company under the Myanmar Company incorporation Act which they can commit to act as
agent and/or distributor for their imported goods.
The XYZ BV as a foreign company has to take into account that not all
sectors are open for foreign investors. However, the law provides the
option to enter into a joint venture with the government for restricted
sectors. Providing serviced offices like the XYZ BV is not a restricted
sector. Based on the given fact we advise the XYZ BV to form a MIC
approved company under the FIL.
Therefore XYZ BV can reach the following incentives and benefits like
income tax exemption from the year of starting production or services
activities, up to continuous five years and also exemption or relief
from income tax on profit which is re-invested within one year and as
well as exemption or relief from income tax up to 50 percent of the
profit accrued from exports, repatriation of profit and so on.
Furthermore the foreign investor is protected under the FIL against
nationalisation and expropriation, which is also guaranteed by law.
Additionally, the XYZ BV, if registered under the FIL is eligible to
lease not only from the state but from private individuals as well.
Lease periods extend up to 50 years and after this period, the
Myanmar Investment Commission may authorise an extension of further 10
years, which is again renewable for another 10 years.
Related : What you need a Company Registration in Myanmar (Burma)?
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